Nut Harvesting

Our nuts are dry roasted in our store daily, without any oils, preservatives or sugars. We roast our nuts in small batches to ensure that we are providing a quality driven product that is consistently fresh. In order to provide a diverse selection of premium nut varieties, we focus on the origins of our nuts while sourcing products. The combination of carefully sourced nuts mixed with our roasting process, produces an unmistakable taste that will leave you looking for your next nut variety to try.

Fresh . Small batch . Authentic

Dry roasted without any oils or preservatives.

Sourcing nuts from around the world is one of our specialties, as we discover new varieties to feature in our store. Specifically, we are proud of our Signature Almonds that we import from Greece, which have a distinct light texture. While it is simple to say that an almond is an almond, there are many different varieties within each nut type. Nut varieties vary based on their origins and climate. With this, when tasting our nuts you can truly taste the different characteristics of each nut, like the sweetness of the Cashews or the buttery notes of our Elliot Pecans.

We are passionate about our knowledge of nuts and their stories. With a highly curated selection, we are continuously learning and discovering new varieties, leading to our motto: “An almond isn’t just an almond.” We are excited to share our discoveries and our nut journey with you.